Contact: mayneislandseedlibrary@gmail.com
Packets of Potential
Seeds are now available year-round at the Mayne Island Library!
1) It is easy to get started - look through the available seeds and
select some
2) Sign the seed log with your contact information and the seeds
you borrowed
3) Grow your seed organically (no pesticides please!)
4) Let some of your plants go to seed and return some seed to the library! When you return seed, please include your name and
contact information.
What is a Seed Library?
Our Seed Library is a collection of open-pollinated, ecologically grown seeds available for the Mayne Island community and maintained by the community (yup you!).
When you participate in the Mayne Island Seed Library you are contributing to food and seed security on Mayne. If you live and garden on Mayne you may borrow seed. In return, we request that you save seed and return some of it to the library. This way, the library will be able to maintain its supply of seed for future seasons.
Seeds at the Library
Need Help Saving Seeds?
Saving seeds is not hard but there are some things to know. Check out the"Resources" page for tips and tricks and keep an eye out for our seed saving workshops.
Not ready to commit to saving seeds yet but still want to borrow seeds? That's okay, just borrow seed and get growing!